The Virtue Of Salawat Al-Sharifa

Sayyiduna Ali (karram Allahu wajhah) said: ‘Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said’: “Indeed Allah (S.W.T.) has some appointed angels that descend on earth only on Fridays during the day and night. They have golden pens, silver inkwells and papers of light in their hands.

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The Virtue Of Salawat Al-Sharifa

Abu Talha Ansari (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrated: One morning Rasulullah (S.A.W.) was very happy. There were traces of joy on his blessed face. The sahaba al-kiram (noble companions) said O prophet of Allah, you are very joyful today. There are signs of happiness on your blessed face.’ Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said: “That is right. An angel appointed by Allah (S.W.T.) (Jibrail A.S.) has come and informed me: ‘Whoever among your ummah recites one Salat (Durood) upon you, Allah (S.W.T.) will record ten rewards for him, erase ten sins from him and elevate his status in tenfold. Allah (S.W.T.) will treat him with His rahmah (mercy) and reward him abundantly.” (Musnad Ahmad)

Sayyiduna Ali (karram Allahu wajhah) said: ‘Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said’: “Indeed Allah (S.W.T.) has some appointed angels that descend on earth only on Fridays during the day and night. They have golden pens, silver inkwells and papers of light in their hands. They only record the Salawat Al-Sharifah recited upon the Prophet.” (Daylami, Musnad)

These AHadith Sharif prove that reading Salawat Al-Sharifah on the night and day of Friday is very virtuous.


After the conquest of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) was once making tawaf around the Ka’bah Al-Mu’azzamah. At that moment Fadhalah bin Umayr Al-Laythi was plotting to assassinate the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.). When Rasulullah (S.A.W.) approached him, he asked “Are you Fadhalah?” He replied ‘Yes’. Rasulullah (S.A.W.) asked him “What are you plotting about?” He replied, ‘I was just making dhikr of Allah’. Then Rasulullah (S.A.W.) smiled and said: “Repent to Allah.” Then he placed his right hand on the chest of Fadhalah. Instantly the hatred disappeared from Fadhalah’s heart. After that day, Fadhallah repeatedly said: ‘By Allah, when the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) lifted his hand from my chest, I felt no one among the creatures of Allah (S.W.T.) dearer to me than him.’